Loxion Kulca
If you were a 80’s to early 90’s kid from ekasi, then I’m sure you would know (and most probably worn) clothing items from Loxion Kulca.
For those of you that don’t know, Loxion Kulca is a clothing brand that started off from a boot of the founder’s car selling caps and grew into a clothing brand that represented the diversity and style of South African townships. Its fame, unfortunately, fizzled out in the mid- to late ’00s.
Relaunch the iconic clothing brand with a 360 campaign that will revive the brand and its clientele.
People would like their outfits to express their individualism in the most comfortable manner.
Big Idea
Make people feel comfortable being themselves
By letting the brand, Loxion Kulca, be an extension of themselves and their style.
Pay-Off Line
“Be You. Be Loxion Kulca.”
Radio Ad No 1
Client: Loxion Kulca
Element: Radio
Type: Conceptual
Length: 30”
Writer: Tshepo Molefe
Title: Be...Loxion Kulca
(imagine hearing each line of this script coming from different angles. Imagine 3D sound)
MVO1: You fat ass mutha…
FVO1: (chuckles) who told you, you could sing...
FVO2: Ohhh… you think you better than me…
MVO2: But you only started doing this now, are you sure that you’re ready...
FVO3: How will this thing you are doing, pay your bills...
MVO3: Ohhh, honey... Keep dreaming...
MVO4: Be safe.
Be compliant.
Stay miserable.
Be employable
Be employable
Be… employable
Stay normal.
Break the norm.
Break the rules.
Redefine your norm.
Be anarchic.
Be a rebel
Be bold
Be hungry for success
Be your own measurement of success
Everyone: Be you. Be Loxion Kulca
Radio Ad No 2
Radio Ad No 2
Client: Loxion Kulca
Element: Radio
Type: Conceptual
Length: 60”
Writer: Tshepo Molefe
Title: Be...Loxion Kulca
MVO1: Be broke
Always worry about your next paycheck
Be a hand-to-mouth typa person
Always long for change
Be miserable
Be compliant
Be the boss’s doormat
Be everyone’s expectation of you
Be employable
FVO1: Be normal
MVO1: Be employable
FVO1: Be normal
MVO1: Be employable
FVO1: Be normal
MVO1: Be employable
FVO1: Break the norm
Be your own measurement of success
Be a rebel
Be revolutionary
Be a visionary
Be the exception
Be bold
Be everything they wish to be
Be free
Be you
FVO1 and MVO1: Loxion Kulca
Social Media Banner

PS: Have the jacket in mind when reading the description of the social media banner
Client: Loxion Kulca
Element: Social Media Banner
Type: Conceptual
Length: 7”
Writer: Tshepo Molefe
Title: Be part of history
Background is white
Baby is wearing a baby version of the jacket you are seeing now
Baby is crawling from the left end of the banner, trying to reach the other end of the banner
As the baby is crawling, he is growing into a toddler wearing the same jacket, but with a different, toddler-like outfit.
Toddler moves from crawling to walking
Toddler grows into a primary school kid, wearing the same jacket, but with a pantsula outfit.
PS: As the kid is walking, a trail of copy is left behind the walking kid
As the kid walks, he grows into a teenager with the same jacket, but now wearing tight jeans and Cavela shoes
As the kid dancing across the screen, he grows into a varsity kid, with the same jacket, but now wearing baggy pants and Timberland boots. He has a “nigga” step
Kid gets to the end, drops the jacket and takes the blazer.
As he wears the blazer, his outfit changes to a formal wear
Kid walks off the banner
The trail of copy that was left behind reads
“Be timeless. Be part of history. Be Loxion Kulca”